Budapest - Velence Details of ridesharing trip

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Beginner (Sharing rides for 15 years)
Free places:
1 / 1
1 seat
Plate number:
After login
About the trip:
Trip fee:
50 € / person

Time, route

Thursday, 09. december 2021

08:00 Hungary Budapest
deák ferenc tér  
16:00 Italy Velence
near highway  
18:00 Italy Verona
near highway  
20:00 Italy Milánó
near highway  
21:30 Italy Torino
near highway  

Other information

Place of departure and arrival:
Should be discussed after reservation

Sziasztok! Lakóautómmal és kisállatommal költözöm a francia Alpokba síszezonra. A megadott dátumon, csütörtökön indulok Budapestről, majd egy Milánó/Torinó közeli éjszakázás után péntekre érkezem majd meg célállomásomra. A menetidő a szokásosnál némileg hosszabb, mert a lakóautó utazósebessége 90 km/h :) Szinte végtelen mennyiségű poggyászt tudok neked szállítani.

Hello! I am moving to the French Alps with a motorhome and a pet for the ski season. I am leaving Budapest on the given date, Thursday, and then arriving at my destination on a Friday after a night near Milan / Turin. The journey time is a bit longer than usual, because the speed of the motorhome is 90 km / h :) I can carry you an almost infinite amount of luggage.

Ciao! Mi trasferisco nelle Alpi francesi con un camper e un animale domestico per la stagione sciistica. Parto da Budapest alla data indicata, giovedì, per poi arrivare a destinazione il venerdì dopo una notte vicino a Milano/Torino. Il tempo di percorrenza è un po' più lungo del solito, perché la velocità del camper è di 90 km/h :) Posso portarti una quantità quasi infinita di bagagli.

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Time of posting offer:
07. december 2021. 12:33