Győrladamér - Győrzámoly Details of ridesharing trip
- Driver:
- Norberto1984
- Classification:
- Beginner (Sharing rides for 1.5 years)
- Ratings:
- Has not received rating yet
- Free places:
- 4 / 4
- Vehicle:
- Volkswagen Tiguan , 2021
- Colour:
- Szürke
- Capacity:
- 4 seats
- Plate number:
- After login
- About the trip:
- Report ride »
- Trip fee:
- 200 Ft / person
Other information
Place of departure and arrival:Should be discussed after reservation
Sziasztok! Hétközben reggelente kb
8:00 és 8:30 között közlekedem Győrzámoly és Mosonmagyaróvár között egyedül. Szívesen veszek fel utasokat, minimális kitérővel is. 🙂
Do you have questions before booking?
Send a question to the driver
Time of posting offer:
11. december 2024. 05:25